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Franklin Signature

Franklin Signature

Regular price $99.99
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The Signature paddle from Franklin plays to the standards of a high-level player but at a price that most beginners can afford. It has an extra textured surface that creates incredible traction so that balls spin more easily. Vibration is reduced thanks to the polypropylene core, which also creates a large, versatile sweet spot. The long handle provides plenty of room for two-handed backhands, which many players coming over from tennis will find useful.

Product Specs

Weight 7.7 ounces (13mm) or 8.1 ounces (16mm)

Handle length: 5.6 inches

Paddle length: 16.5 inches

Paddle width: 7.3 inches

Core thickness: 13mm or 16mm

Paddle face: Fiberglass with MaxGrit

Core material: Polypropylene honeycomb

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